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Saturday, January 30, 2016

A Christmas Pony: Part Three

And here is the final model I got (in this case, bought myself) for christmas...

Harley D. Zip!

For some time I have wanted him, because I loved Latigo when he came out. And for $28 at Tractor Supply, who could say no? His position looks like he is dancing on his toes, which is sort of funny, it doesn't look the most natural, but i like it. He has itty bitty horseshoes, and he was the first model I had that had them. His coloring is really nice also, and as far as I can tell, he is LSQ

Sunday, January 10, 2016

A Christmas Pony: Part Two

My second traditional I got for Christmas! Zenyatta!

She looks really like the real horse! Her mold is really pretty, along with her awesome color. But her coat can't decide what color it is. She looks almost black when she sits up on my shelf. But, as you will see in these pictures, she reflects colors a lot. And she is dappled, I think.  Its really hard to tell, it might just be the model, or Zenyatta in real life has subtle dappling. She looks dark in some, and lighter in others...
And really green XD
My favorite part of her has to be her back legs, and that she is a mare :)